21 Day Project




1. Visualize/communicate a different phrase or message  

 - Different phrase each day, 7 phrases per week:

2. Format: 1219 x 1615

3. Colors: Red, blue and yellow

4. Style: A different style for each week: scrapbook, retro and modern


 Moodboard for the three styles for each week.

 Why I chose these constraints

The main constraint I wanted to focus on was the message each day in order to develop my skill of visual communication. The style and colour constraint were primarily to narrow down my options so I could focus on communicating the intended message.

All 21 posters in chronological order


Overall Insights

Design Principles that I Leveraged

-Asymmetry: avoiding placing focal points in the center, playing with strategically placing elements to create the most interesting movement.

- Contrast: I would take into the colour of pictures and words especially because I was constricted to primary colours

- White space: I kept in mind how I could intentionally leave space for the eye to rest as to avoid overwhelming the viewer.

- Colors: Despite having color constraint I would try using various hues to create the most interesting color combinations.

Daily Time Constraint, Getting into the Open/Creative State