Museum of Fine Art App
You’ve been hired by the Museum of Fine Arts to design a mobile app that can both help people plan their museum visit and connect with art + culture broadly.
Create proto-personas
Conduct interviews to create validated proto-personas
Conduct a workshop to better understand brand direction and identity
Generate prototype app
Research should revel what people love about visiting art museums and ideas on how a mobile experience could capture some that love.
1. How can a mobile app engage users with beautiful, captivating, and provocative fine art?
2. What are fun and novel ideas for experience art on your mobile device?
3. What brand design direction will this app have to attract art lover audiences?
The Problem
The process of buying tickets online isn't always straightforward
Difficult to find location of specific artworks
Museum experience felt monotonous to younger generations
How might we...
Provide a clear pathway to navigate exhibitions and artworks
Allow users to track events and purchase tickets
Disrupt the repetitive process of going through rooms and rooms of art
Key Features
- Tracking Events
When the user first open the app, they are met with the homepage where they can view ongoing and upcoming events.
2. Buying tickets
In connection to a critical pain point, this feature allows users to easily purchase tickets within the app.
On any page within the app, the ticket button is always in the right corner, ensuring that purchasing tickets is a straightforward process.
Users can choose a desired date for their visit and view the types of tickets available.
Map page
Guides Page
Favorites Guide
Artwork Page
3. Guides
This feature allows users to customize their experience by selecting specific artworks before enterring a museum. Created for frequent museum goers and beginners, creating a guide ensures that users to plan their visit ahead and create the most efficient route. Users can select multiple artworks to compile into a guide and either save the guide for their visit or immediately start their tour. When an artwork is selected, users can choose to either read the description or listen to the audio description.
4. Augmented Reality Map
The AR map instantly transforms the phone into a map itself. As the app scans the artwork surrounding you, the names of the artwork along with a picture will pop up. Users can tap on any artwork to go to a page about the artwork within the app.