Kite Runner


Select a film, book or play and compose a short sentence that summarizes the work. Create a concept poster to convey the sentence.

Kite Runner

An unlikely friendship destroyed by violence, betrayal, redemption and the power fathers have over their sons.



First draft

First Draft

With both of these posters, I was experimenting with how I wanted to communicate the message. I struggled to figure out how to convey the key elements of the book.

First Critique

Second Iteration

Second Iteration

In this second iteration, I wanted to make sure that each element of the poster would convey an element of the book. The small character is meant to be Amir looking back on his childhood playing kites with his friend Hassan. The dark hallway expresses the trauma Amir faced and continues to face.

Second Critique

Final Concept

The small character in the dark hallway represents Amir reminiscing on his past that he cannot escape. He's forced to face the memory of the last time he participated in the kite competition.